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Theatre of ancient Greece

Poster Collection






Oedipus Rex




A series of posters dedicated to the famous Greek theatre tragedies.

When working on the poster of this Sophocles’ tragedy - Antigone I was focused on the character of the heroine of this tragedy, which is dominant on the poster in the form of a Greek statue. The poster itself is divided into two large unities, black and red, they present the contrast between the two principles, two perspectives of the world. Antigone discovers the contrast in behavior that used to be expected from a woman and her role in society. While working on this poster, I had in mind all the questions about femininity proposed in the play.


While working on the poster for the play Antigone I was focused on her femininity, however, working on the poster for the play Ajax it was inevitable to present his typical male characteristics. I had to present him as a strongly defined hero, who is proud and uncompromising. Working on this poster, I dealt with themes like anger, hatred, and honor, but the most important event presented here is Ajax’s suicidal act of crashing this famous sculpture into pieces. 

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